Krista Holmes | KH management
I have the wonderful opportunity to meet and photograph all kinds of amazing human beings.
While they are in studio, it is a privilege to learn about their businesses, or the work they do, their family, their interests, and hear a little bit about their story.
Krista Holmes continues to make a difference in the Parry Sound community. Involved in many different projects, such as Turkeys for Tummies. Krista also runs KH Management, a female owned and operated management firm in Northern Ontario that specializes in music, special events, and social media management.
What inspired you to get into business?
I was inspired to remain in the Canadian music scene. But with the pandemic, my efforts and focus changed. That, along with my administrative and special events background had me altering some of my services while ramping up my social media clients.

How have your priorities changed from when you first started?
Like many things (pandemic or not), I took time to get to know what was missing. In Northern Ontario, there are a lot of services that are missing, that many can find south. After some mentoring from my friends at Canada's Music Incubator, I was able to shift some of my attention, and things really started to fall into place for KH Management.
Knowing what you know now, is there anything you would have done differently when you were first starting out?
Nope! I always knew that I had several strengths that I could focus on, so I have always kept my services fairly "relaxed" so that I was not shutting any doors.
What challenges did you have to overcome at the beginning of your journey?
Like many new businesses, just trying to get my name out there. I was lucky to be starting my business when many people had accepted the effectiveness of social media.
How do you define success?
I don't have a specific definition as success is defined differently by many. I like to think of things more in the sense of a successful event, or project....and often, the rest seems to fall into place.
What is keeping you up at night?
That's a loaded question...many nights it's me trying to catch up on a TV show, or scrolling through my socials, but other times it is working on things for my clients. My brain doesn't have the best off-switch, and some of my best ideas, projects and even energy come after I get our kids into bed
Describe some of your key routines or habits that you have to keep you going?
Sunday meal prepping, regular exercise and anything creative.
Do you, and/or, how do you find time to develop your creative process?
As mentioned above, it is often at night, but I am always thinking...and hopefully, it's creative! I can often get an idea but might need help with execution, or just feedback. I am so lucky to have a great group of like-minded friends and entrepreneurs that I am able to reach out for feedback and encouragement.
What are some hard choices that you had to make to get where you are?
Like many other moms, it's been making those tough do I really need to go to this event. Do I have time for this? Is the juice worth the squeeze?
What book and/or podcast are you enjoying right now?
I am just finishing Burnout: The Secret to Unlocking the Stress Cycle by Emily Nagoski and Amelia Nagoski. And for fun, I have a huge pile from my recent trip to Bearly Used Books, but I would like to start with the Dave Grohl bio!
What is one thing people would never guess about you?
That I have made it 42 years without a tattoo.
What is one thing you wish people knew about you?
That although I went to college for theatre arts, my favourite place continues to be behind the scenes. And sure, I can get up in front of a group a speak thanks to my public speaking days, but in general, I like to be the organizer behind the scenes.

Special pre-headshot session drink requests:
Video testimonial - "I was not nervous"

Where can you find Krista
Krista wrote a great blog about her experience: "To Headshot, or Not - That was the Question!"
Peter Istvan Photography
Peter is a professional headshot photographer. Available in studio, or on location. Serving Parry Sound, Muskoka, Sudbury, North Bay, Barrie, Toronto, and surrounding areas. View pricing and scheduling.